Garden is a high unity of ecology and aesthetics. Garden lighting planning should also follow this principle to create an artistic night environment. To achieve such a garden lighting night scene ef……
With the fast development of the advertising business for those years, advertising projection lamp has also become a big trend in the advertising business nowadays. Not only the projector could per……
How could we adjust the size of logo projector? if you want to answer this question, you should have good sense of the specific factors that affect the size of the logo projector effect area. Let di……
众所周知,广告投影灯就是利用光成像的原理,采用高亮度的灯珠,讲logo灯片上的图案投射出来,形成极富冲击力的广告效果。 有很大一部分的客户很好奇罗帕德投影灯灯珠的使用寿命有多久,实际上罗帕德投影灯的灯珠……