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How to adjust the effective image size of logo projector,make it bigger or smaller?

2021-06-23  975

How could we adjust the size of logo projector? if you want to answer this question, you should have good sense of the specific factors that affect the size of the logo projector effect area.

Let discuss it from 3 factors which will affect the size of its effect image area to be bigger or smaller.  


1.Lens scale of logo projector


“do you have any special lens that could make image bigger at the distance about 1 meter? we usually got this questions from our new clients.

In theory, for the same project distance,the larger scale of the logo projector lens , the bigger the area of the projection size. , sometimes we define it by focal length,like the F=120mm.And noparde’s logo projector could match 4 different kinds of lens scale.it defined by project ratio at noparde,like the first lens scale at the left is  0.2 lens scale, then is 0.3lens scale for default, 0.45lens scale for some special models,and 1:1 scale lens, which means it could make image bigger as 1m at the distance about 1 meter.

 For same watt of the projector , when the projection image area size increase, the brightness of the image will decrease.  The smaller the lens scale of logo projector, the smaller the projection size with the same project distance. and the smaller the area of the projection image size, the brighter and more clarity of the real image effect. 

the left is 0.2 lens scale, then is 0.3lens scale for default, 0.45lens scale for some special models,and 1:1 scale lens,



2.Everyone who has basic optical knowledge understands that the longer the project distance is, the larger the content of the projected advertising image size will be;  The shorter the projection distance, the smaller the size of the advertisement pattern.  

Like the flashlight we use mostly, if you put the flashlight closer to the wall , the spot light size will be smaller, on contrary it will be big.

 longer the project distance is, the larger the content of the projected advertising image size will be

3. The whole size of the logo slide piece installed in the logo projectorandsometimes the effective size of the logo slide piece content is different either.

 Even you use the same lens and put the projector at the same distance, but the projection effect size is different when you use different size of the logo slide piece.

The size of the general slide piece is 37cm, 53cm, etc., different projector use a certain difference sizes of the slide logo piece,the 53cm slide only used in high power models like 200w 300w or 500w,700w . what’s more the size of the image and text content carved on slide are not constant, if you want the image to be bigger, then we could carve the slide effective area to be bigger. 

The size of the general slide piece is 37cm, 53cm, etc., different projector use a certain difference sizes of the slide logo piece

 However, these last two points of slide size for the overall logo projector projection area size is relatively not very influential. 

 In general, there are 3 factors that affect the size of the Logo projector image, the projection  focal length lens,  project distance,, and the size of the logo slide.  

 you can’t adjust the size of logo projector by yourself,you can tell us that your distance of the project install position and what the project size image you want, we could choose and design the suitable lens scale and effective slide size for you then the projector you received will be the good size of the projected image.



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